The Big Idea: Provide an update on your team's game topic. What is the most important concept you want your players to learn?I want my players to learn What all has to happen to get that abused animal into a home again.
Making Decisions as a Team: How did your team's ideas about the game topic change over time?I'm the only one on my team and nothing changed over time.
Roles & Responsibilities: Tell us more about your team process. Please each talk about your specific roles, and how you work together.I'm the only one on my team so I had to fill out all the questions find all the codes and put the game together myself.
Research: What kind of research went into your game topic? What did you learn about your topic? What message do you want the player to understand?The research that went into my game i got from the internet and books. I learned that thousands of animals are killed each year. I want players to understand that know matter what theres no excuse for animal abuse.
The User Experience: Explain the actions players take in your game. How do you play it? What decisions were made about features to include, and how did you decide? Players in my game rescue the animal become it's vet and go and check out the home for the animal.I decided on what decicons to make about the features in my game by ressearching on tthe internet. helped me decide.
Mastering Flash: What Flash resources have been most helpful in your learning so far, and why? How did you locate these resources? The flash resources that have been most helpful in my game where on the wiki because they were easy to access. My teacher helped me locate those resouces.
Overcoming Challenges: What curriculum topic has been most difficult for you so far? How did you overcome this difficulty? What programming features are you most proud of in your game?The ciriculum topic that is most difficult for me is math. I overcame this difficulty by asking my teacher for help. I am most proud of the motion tweening because it took along time for me to figure out.
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